Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Some things you just shouldn't swallow

so i was laying on bed playing on the computer and i kinda felt my tongue ring way back there where my tonsils are. it felt kinda cool. i was thinking..."dang i didnt know my tongue ring was that long...i wonder what will happen if i tried to swallow it." so i did...and then i didn't feel it anymore...i was confused so i felt my tongue ring to make sure everything was okay and apparently i swallowed the ball to my tongue ring ) : not a good feeling...i thought i was gonna die...i saw the light and started to get real warm...bad sign...(hell). so i googled what happens if u swallow a part of your tongue ring and i called all my friends that are in nursing school and asked them would i die to. They all said i'd poop it out in a couple of days so i started eating everything in my fridge so i could get it outta me...haven't seen it yet but i did learn that if I had swallowed the other end of the tongue ring, the part that is sharp & pointy , it could've literally got stuck in my esophagus and even caused a perforation. So I guess some things arn't meant to be swallowed and tongue rings are one of them!


  1. i can see now that you're going to be looking for ya tongue ring everytime you go take a shit.... you fool thats what you get for being curious about swallowing it in the first place, 'cause it felt kinda cool' you need help buddy
