Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Peperoncini are a variety of the species Capsicum annuum, like bell peppers and chili peppers. They are also known as Tuscan peppers, sweet Italian peppers and golden Greek peppers. While called peperoncini in American English, in Italy these particular kinds of peppers are called friggitello (plural friggitelli) or more generally peperone (plural peperoni) like other sweet varieties of peppers, while the term peperoncini (singular peperoncino) is used for hotter varieties of chili peppers. Peperoni should not be confused with pepperoni, the English name for typical Italian spicy salami.
So today me and DeVan and Jazmin decided to take a trip to Olive Garden and DeVan was paying so you know I was down. You know how you get those free salads and breadsticks? Well yea, there the best. It’s just hard because you want to eat so much of it and suppress the fact that your food will be out shortly but you’ll be to full off the breadsticks and salad to eat it. Anyway, once we got our salad, we noticed this weird green looking pepper- like thing. It kinda looked like a jalapeno, or maybe a green pepper, well none of us knew so we asked the waiter...I think his name was mike or something, he informed us that it was a peperoncini. Well DeVan and I decided to make Jaz the taste tester. She looked as if it was the most scrumptious and decadent pepper looking thingy she ever consumed, so we proceeded to try a piece. Well she lied and tricked us good. It tasted like throw up mixed with hot sauce mixed with fat peoples sweat and old sock juice. No lie, don’t try it...I don’t see how such an extravagant restaurant could serve something so repulsive! I felt like Olive Garden should have paid us to eat it. Anyway, if you see this so called peperoncini in your food and you proceed to eat...and die....don’t say i didn’t warn you.

Some things you just shouldn't swallow

so i was laying on bed playing on the computer and i kinda felt my tongue ring way back there where my tonsils are. it felt kinda cool. i was thinking..."dang i didnt know my tongue ring was that long...i wonder what will happen if i tried to swallow it." so i did...and then i didn't feel it anymore...i was confused so i felt my tongue ring to make sure everything was okay and apparently i swallowed the ball to my tongue ring ) : not a good feeling...i thought i was gonna die...i saw the light and started to get real warm...bad sign...(hell). so i googled what happens if u swallow a part of your tongue ring and i called all my friends that are in nursing school and asked them would i die to. They all said i'd poop it out in a couple of days so i started eating everything in my fridge so i could get it outta me...haven't seen it yet but i did learn that if I had swallowed the other end of the tongue ring, the part that is sharp & pointy , it could've literally got stuck in my esophagus and even caused a perforation. So I guess some things arn't meant to be swallowed and tongue rings are one of them!